Saturday, May 14, 2011

Updates from IU's Coordinator!

Although she does not directly mention IU in her tweets, she is well-known as IU's coordi among fans and also accompanied IU to London for the photoshoot in April. And did I mention that she is very pretty too? Check out the pic =)

OK enough gawking...carry on reading the post =p
잘~ 도착해서 숙소에서 내일 공연준비 다 하고 쉬고있음! 빨리 다음주까지 지나갔으면좋겠다~♥ 으...피곤해
We arrived well~ we're making all the preparations for tomorrow's concert and resting at the dorms! It would be great if next week could quickly come by~♥ uh...tired
(May 14th, 12:45AM)

여기 공연장 참 좋아요. 깨끗하고 모니터도 괜찮고 다들 친절하시고~ 근데 심심해 으 피곤하다. 지금 캐이터링룸인데 여기 나가면 와이파이 끊겨요...새우잠이나 자볼까♪
The concert venue here is really good. It's clean and well-monitored and everyone is friendly as well~ But I'm bored uh tired. I'm at the catering room now but if I leave, I'll lose my wifi connection... Or shall I curl up and sleep?♪
(May 14th, 2:36PM)

애기 첫 해외공연~ 잘 끝내고 둘만 또 숙소에 남아 애긴 자고 난 짐정리하고 스케줄정리중.. 사고없이 끝나고 반응도 좋았어서 뿌듯열매 냠냠! 다들 고생하셨고 우리 마피아게임은 쭉쭉쭉~~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Baby's first overseas concert~ It ended well and it's just the two of us left at the dorms again. Baby is sleeping and I'm in the middle of packing the luggage and arranging the schedule.. Having completed (the performance) without any accidents and receiving a good response, I feel really proud and satisfied! Everyone did a good job, and now on to our Mafia game gogogo~~~kekekeke
(May 15th, 12:28AM)

Translation: squishyblob @ WeHeartIU
Editing: janeberryblue @ WeHeartIU
Source: Twitter

Can see they are really close from the way she calls IU 'Baby' so everyone say "awwwwwwwww"

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